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Thursday, October 16, 2008

Ming Life

Radix polygoni multiflori, native to Japan but now grown in many coastal areas of the Chinese provinces, is an ancient herb historically used to nourish the endocrine system, enhance strength, endurance and harmonise the whole body. Chinese masters consider this to be especially popular with the elderly who believe it may balance the forces of yin and yang.

Ming Life®contains Radix polygoni multiflori, a Chinese herb which supports the endocrine system--the system that produces and delivers secretions of hormones to regulate the body systems and processes. A decrease in the functionality and output of the endocrine system could mean a slowdown in the healthy functioning of the body. In fact, fatigue and "feeling old" may be signs that the systems of the body are already slowing down.

Physicians of the ancient Chinese royal courts believed that the best way to promote body health was to follow the ancient philosophy that prevention is better than cure. "It is a poor doctor who practices a cure," the Chinese adage says. Court physicians believed that nature provides everything the body needs to support, heal and rejuvenate itself.

Laboratory studies show that traditional Chinese medicine supports cardiovascular health.
Laboratory studies show that traditional Chinese medicine supports anti-aging processes.
Laboratory studies show that traditional Chinese medicine has antioxidant capacity.
Laboratory studies show that traditional Chinese medicine supports cellular health.

Ming Life® may help to dramatically reduce feelings of stress, allowing the body to sleep more soundly (although it may need to sleep less) and awaken more refreshed. Mental processes may seem clearer and sharper and feelings of strength and stamina may increase.

Ming Life® supports overall health and can be beneficial for early gray hair problems.

Take 3 to 5 tablets two to three times daily. If over 150 lbs. body weight, take 5 tablets two to three times daily. If under 150 lbs. body weight, take 3 tablets two to three times daily. Best results may be obtained if taken three times a day. Up to 10 tablets may be taken each time; but, anything over 10 tablets each time gives little added help. There is no harm done if more than 10 tablets are taken; but little effect results from doses higher than 10 tablets each time. (NOTE: Refrain from eating cucumbers and radishes--as well as, products made from them, like pickles and horseradish--since they contain enzymes that can counteract the Radix Polygoni multiflorum in Ming Life® and cause Ming Life® to work less effectively with the body.)

For women, use double the recommended amount 2 days before and during menstruation.
Recommended for adults over 35, when signs of aging generally begin to develop.
Not intended for children. (Young people do not need anti-aging products.)

Shelf life: approximately three years.

As with any nutritional supplement, consult a health care provider prior to use if you are pregnant or nursing, have a medical condition, or are taking any medication. Also, please store out of reach of children.

- Ahmad Mazini

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