Take 30-60ml daily with meal. Shake well before using.
- Ahmad Mazini
Here are a few descriptions of Neways Products.
Take 30-60ml daily with meal. Shake well before using.
Mass Advantage® is formulated for individuals beginning an exercise program, weekend warriors and active individuals, as well as, world-class athletes, active athletes, or near world-class athletes. Simply stated, Mass Advantage® is high-energy fuel for the muscles.
During intense exercise, the body burns protein rapidly. If it isn't replaced with more protein and amino acids, the exercise will be less productive and the body will not show results as fast as might be desired.
also promotes endurance, enhanced athletic performance and normal joint and muscle health.
The whey proteins that constitute the foundation of Mass Advantage® are two of the highest quality proteins available. These proteins provide essential B Vitamins and Calcium and are considered essential to all human life processes.(1) In a comparison of whey protein hydrosylate and milk protein hydrosylate, it was found that enzymatic absorption of whey proteins was greatest and that whey proteins were of slightly higher nutritional value.(2)
(1) Barth CA, Behnke U. Nutritional physiology of whey and whey components. Nahrung 1997;41(1):2-12.
(2) Ziemlanski S, Cieslakowa D, Kunachowicz H, Palaszewska M. Balanced intraintestinal nutrition: digestion, absorption and biological value of selected preparations of milk proteins. Acta Physiol Pol 1978 Nov-Dec;29(6):543-556.
Mass Advantage® contains whey proteins to promote strong muscles and stamina. If you adhere to a high protein-low carb diet, Mass Advantage® provides the perfect supplement. In addition to its 43 grams of protein, it also contains only 12 grams of carbohydrates, 250 calories, and 4 grams of fat per serving.
Mass Advantage® is a creamy, delicious, chocolate flavored, powder drink mix for protein recovery shakes designed to assist the body in recovery after an exhausting day at work or after an intensive physical workout.
The overall goal with Mass Advantage® is to provide necessary nutrients to assist the body. If you want to look great and feel even better, then team up with Mass Advantage®. When you hit the gym with Mass Advantage®, you'll come out looking better, with greater tone, definition and lean muscle development.
Mix 2 scoops (65g) Mass Advantage® in 12 oz. of milk or cool water. Drink immediately.
May be blended with ice, fruit or your favorite beverage.
Best if taken after workout, but also may be taken during or after mealtime.
Product Recommendations:
Liquid vitamins and minerals can be used by people of all ages.
Take 15ml (0.5 ounce) once or twice daily, can be taken with food or on an empty stomach.
Keep minerals refrigerated after opening. DO NOT freeze.
The Body can get along without vitamins but not without minerals: also the body cannot manufacture its own minerals. Dr. Dikkers believes that mineral-starved foods threaten millions of Americans despite the country's reputation of being the best fed nation on earth. "During aging or illness, when the mineral supply is depleted, the cell growth slows down and reproduction finally stops, resulting in death. The person is said to have died of natural causes and/or old age whereas the cause may have been a mineral deficiency.. There are many amazing causes of regeneration from adding minerals alone to the diet. Minerals may also be a means of keeping you young.
POTASSIUM: FACTS: Works with sodium to regulate the body's water balance and normalize heart rhythms. Hypoglycemia (low blood sugar) causes potassium loss, as does a long fast or severe diarrhea. Both mental and physical stress can lead to its deficiency. WHAT IT CAN DO FOR YOU: Aid in clear thinking by sending oxygen to the brain, help dispose of body wastes, assist in reducing blood pressure, aid in allergy treatment.
IRON: FACTS: Essential for life, necessary for the production of hemoglobin. Calcium and iron are the two major dietary deficiencies of American women. WHAT IT CAN DO FOR YOU: Aid growth, prevent fatigue, promote resistance to disease, cure and prevent iron-deficiency anemia, bring back good skin tone.
CALCIUM: FACTS: There is more calcium in the body than any other mineral. 20% of an adult's bone calcium is reabsorbed and replaced every year. WHAT IT CAN DO FOR YOU: Maintain stronger bones and healthy teeth, keep your heart beating regularly, alleviate insomnia, help metabolize your body's iron, aid your nervous system.
MAGNESIUM: FACTS: Known as the anti-stress mineral; alcoholics are usually deficient, essential for effective nerve and muscle functioning, important for converting blood sugar into energy. WHAT IT CAN DO FOR YOU: Aid in fighting depression, keep teeth healthier, bring relief from indigestion, promote a healthier cardiovascular system and help prevent heart attacks, help prevent calcium deposits, kidney and gallstones.
IODINE: FACTS: Stimulates energy; most people over 40 are considered deficient in iodine which can cause goiter, anemia, listlessness, lack of energy, slow pulse and low blood pressure, and weight gain. WHAT IT CAN DO FOR YOU: Give more energy; help with dieting by burning excess fat; improve mental alertness; promote healthy hair, nails, skin and teeth.
*This information is compiled from Linda Clark's "Know Your Nutrition" and Earl Mindells "Vitamin Bible".
1. According to Senate Document No 264, the official publication, 99 percent of American people are deficient in minerals, and a marked deficiency in any one of the more important minerals actually results in disease.
2. The body is equipped to chelate only a small amount of some inorganic elements from nature. Therefore, the body requires the minerals to come from plants in a chelated form that the minerals may be properly assimilated and utilized. The efficiency of each mineral is enhanced by balanced amounts of the others.
3. The body must maintain an adequate mineral supply to maintain a balance between internal and external pressures of the body cells called osmotic equilibrium. This state must be maintained for normal cell function and continued youthful health.
4. All nutrients such as vitamins, proteins, enzymes, amino acids, carbohydrates, fats, sugars, oils, etc. require minerals for activity. All bodily processes depend upon the action of minerals.
5. Trace chelated minerals are more important in nutrition than vitamins. Vitamins can be synthesized by living matter, minerals cannot.
6. Vitamins are required for every biochemical activity of the body. Vitamins cannot function unless minerals are present.
7. Minerals are the catalysts that make enzyme functions possible. Chelated minerals combine with enzymes into an alkaline detoxifying agent which neutralizes the acid metabolic by-products of the cells and other toxic conditions within the body and prepare them for elimination.
8. Hormonal secretion of glands is dependent upon mineral stimulation.
9. The acid-alkaline balance (pH) of the tissue fluid is controlled by minerals.
10. All elements work together as a collective whole. If there is a shortage of just one mineral, the balance of the entire bodily activity can be thrown away. A deficiency of one mineral may disrupt the entire chain of life, rendering other nutrients either useless or inefficient.
11. The concept brought forth by French scientists concerning the biological transmission of the elements within the body makes it understandable as to why the body needs the broad range of chelated minerals in balance to regain and maintain good health.
12. Minerals are, therefore, justified as a supplemental dietary substance especially in these days when the mineral content of our fruits and vegetables are destroyed by petrochemicals and synthetic fertilizer.
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